説教あらすじ 「聖書・聖霊・信仰」 (05/04/2015)
◆『聖さ』に生きるために不可欠な3つのもの ー 「神のことば」「聖霊」「信仰」
①神のことば [ヨハネ17:17] = イエスご自身[ヨハネ1:14]
②聖霊 [ヨハネ14:26]
・つまるところ、カギとなるのは『みことば』。 聖霊は「火種」であり、みことばが『薪』。
③信仰 [マタイ7:24]
*使徒パウロの態度 [使徒20:22-24]
Outline of the sermon “God’s Word, God’s Spirit, Our Faith.” (05/04/2015)
◆ 3 essentials to live in “Holiness”. ー 「God’s Word」「God’s Spirit」「Our Faith」.
①God’s Word. [John17:17] = Christ himself.[John1:14]
・“Relationship with God through Christ” is “To fill our heart with God’s Word”!
Let’s compare to the information we get from TV.
・Average person watches TV over 4 hours every day.(2 months a year,3 years by the age of 18!)
・18-year-old child has seen over 200,000 acts of violence, including 16,000 murders.
・God’s Words(Truth) can purify us and set us free.[John8:32]
・It is not enough if you open your Bible only when you seek God’s guidance. It has to become your habit.
Fill your spirit with Scriptures![Psalm 119:11]
②God’s Spirit. [John14:26]
・2 main works of the Spirit :「Being with us always」, 「To remind us God’s Words and give us understanding」.
・We need “God’s Words” anyway. The Spirit is like ‘a fire’. God’s Words are like “firewood”.
③Our Faith. [Matthew7:24]
・We exercise our “faith” when the Spirit leads us with God’s Words. [ⅠCorinthians 6:19-20]
・We grieve the Spirit not by specific event but by “neglecting Him”.(Because the world attracts us too much.)
*Paul’s attitude towards the guidance of the Spirit. [Acts 20:22-24]
✯Eat God’s Word daily, be sensitive to the Spirit and follow wherever He leads you to go!