説教あらすじ 「『キリストの心』による一致」 (19/04/2015)
◆御霊の一致 [エペソ4:1-3]
・行動によるのでもない ・考え方でもない ⊚霊的な一致
➝ どこから?[Ⅰコリント2:12, 15-16] 『御霊』 = 「キリストの心」
◆「キリストの心」による一致 [ピリピ2:1-8]
①自分のあり方を捨て ②当然の権利を主張せず ③完全に『人』となり、完全に御霊に依存した
Outline of the sermon “The unity in ‘the mind of Christ’.” (19/04/2015)
◆The unity of the Spirit. [Ephesians 4:1-3]
・Neither by activity nor thought. ⊚Spiritual unity.
➝ Where does it come from?[ⅠCorinthians 2:12, 15-16] 『the Spirit of God』 = 「the mind of Christ」
◆The unity in “the mind of Christ”. [Philippians 2:1-8]
・To create real unity, we shouldn’t mind ourselves or others too much but should remember Jesus Christ!
He ①gave up equality with God ②made himself nothing
and ③became completely dependent upon the Spirit of God.
・We can never live like Christ with our own strength. It only comes from “the Spirit”. [Galatians 5:22-23]
・Devotion time is not ‘to learn something’ but “to unite ourselves with Christ in spirit”. [ⅠCorinthians 6:16-17]
It is His Spirit who sets us free from old habits and transform us into His likeness. [ⅡCorinthians 3:17-18]
※We seek the Spirit of the Lord, not to perform miracles but to bring “reconciliation & unity”!