説教あらすじ 「教会の使命」 (08/03/2015)
・建物ではなく、人々。 ・単なる「志を共にする共同体」ではなく、『生き物』 [エペソ1:23]
私たちが「神の望んでおられる者になる」こと。 Doing ではなく、Being。
①聖く純真な者 [Ⅰペテロ1:14-16,ピリピ2:14-16]
②互いの間での一致 [ヨハネ17:23]
③互いに愛し合うこと [ヨハネ13:34-35] 詳しくは、来週から
✯まず「日々キリストとつながり、キリストを通して更に神を知っていくこと」 から始めよう!
Outline of the sermon “Mission of the church.” (08/03/2015)
◆ What is “church”?
・It’s “people” not building. ・Not just ‘Community with same vision’, but “Living thing”. [Ephesians1:23]
・We are not driven by ‘program’ but by “those who are joined to the life of Christ”.
◆ Our mission.
「To walk with God in the life of Christ, so that
people around us may meet God through us」.
・We tend to be attracted by ‘What we do for God’.
But more important thing is: “Who God wants us to be”. It is not Doing but Being.
◆ Then “Who does God want us to be like?”
① Holy and pure. [ⅠPeter1:14-16,Philippians 2:14-16]
② In unity. [John17:23]
③ Love one another. [John13:34-35] We’ll learn more from next Sunday.
✯Remain in Christ daily and learn more of God through him. Everything starts from there!