
説教あらすじ      コミットメント    (22/03/2015)

















①共に過ごす時間 ― 『時間』は私たちに与えられている最も貴重なもの。これを十分に共有しているか?

②信頼 ― ・相手が良くしてくれたことを思い出す。 ・慌てて判断しない。(背後に必ず深い配慮があるはず)



Outline of the sermon     Commitment.”   (22/03/2015)

[James 4:8]

・It says, “Purify your hearts, you double-minded” which means ‘pure heart’single-minded.


・These verses really teaches us that both “marriage” and “faith walk” requires us “only one concern”.

・First 2 of Ten Commandments are : “Have no other gods before me”, “Not make for yourself an idol”.  And

as ‘the most important commandment’ Jesus told us, “Love the only one God with all our…”. [Mark12:29-30]

Idolatry of present days.

・In the days of Old Testament idolatry was always understood as “spiritual adultery”.

・We would not worship idols but we often ask God to do things for us rather than seeking “God Himself”.

God may not answer our prayer because He knows that these “things” can be our “idols”.[James 4:3-4]


Commitment is the most important element for both “Marriage” and our “Faith walk”.  God gave us His only

Son to show His commitment toward us.  We can show our commitment toward God by keeping center of our

heart (life) from any other things or idols but for God only.

3 supporters of “Commitment”.

Quality time ― “Time” is the most precious thing for us.  How much are you spending time with God?

Trust ― ・Remember what God has done for your life. ・Don’t judge too quick. (He may have a better plan)

   ③ Determination.


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