
説教あらすじ      神のみわざが現されるために   (15/02/2015)






①私たちが日々キリストの愛の内に深くとどまる [ヨハネ15:9]

ベタニヤのマリヤに見られるモデル [ルカ10:38-42, ヨハネ12:1-8]

・何よりもキリストに注目  ・みことばで自分を満たす  ・贖いのみわざに深く感動する



②キリストがこの地上に来られたように、私たちも世に出て行く [ヨハネ20:21]


・いつでも、どこでも 「イエスと共に」。(イエスの顔色(?)を伺いつつ…)



人々に仕えることを通して、神への愛を表現する」 もう1つの形の『礼拝



Outline of the sermon     To see God at work.”  (15/02/2015)

[Hebrews 1:1-2a]

◆ God works through Christ.

・God worked trough Jesus Christ when Jesus was on the earth, and so does He even now!  God is doing His

job through “Christ in us (church)”. [Ephesians1:22-23]

◆ 2 essentials for the world to see God’s work.

Remain deeply in love of Christ daily. [John15:9]

We can see good model in Mary in Bethany. [Luke10:38-42, John12:1-8]

・She focused on Jesus only.  ・She filled herself with His words.  ・She was deeply moved by His

redemption.  ・She decided to give her best only for Jesus even though it looked odd to people.


Go into the world just as Jesus did. [John 20:21]

・To die to let others live. (opposite from common sense.)

・“Be with Jesus” always & everywhere. (looking into Jesus’ face.)

◆ Why do we join “Japan Day” event?

“To express our love towards God by serving together among people as ‘Christ carriers’.”

Let us take our Lord to “Japan Day”!


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