説教あらすじ 「内なるキリストを目覚めさせて!」 (06/12/2015)
◆パウロの祈り [エペソ1:17-19]
・「・・・知ることができるように」 何を? 『神から与えられているもの』と、『その価値』
*神から与えられている最大の『宝』 = イエス・キリスト [コロサイ2:3, 9-10]
◎御父(神)の栄光を現すため ― 人々が「神の愛と力」を体験するため
◆『私たちのガンバリ』ではなく・・・ [Ⅱコリント4:7]
②聖霊 [Ⅰコリント2:12] ― イエスと聖霊はワンセット。聖霊が私たちをイエスに結び付ける。
・「クリスチャンって堅苦しそう・・・ 個性がなくなるのでは?」
・聖霊の活性化スイッチを入れる(目覚めさせる) [Ⅱテモテ1:6]
Outline of the sermon “Awake Christ in me!” (06/12/2015)
◆Paul’s prayer. [Ephesians1:17-19]
・“so that you may know…” know what? The importance of what God has given to us.
*The supreme treasure from God. = Jesus Christ. [Colossians 2:3, 9-10]
◎ How did Jesus use what he had?
・To glorify the Father. ― To let people around him experience “God’s power and love” so that they may know God.
◆Not by “our effort”・・・ [ⅡCorinthians 4:7]
・Serious Christians tend to serve with their own strength. Yet we need something else to “glorify God”.
① Faith.(Trust God wholeheartedly.)
・“Lord, not my will, but yours be done. Do whatever you want to do through me!”
②The Spirit of God. [ⅠCorinthians 2:12] ― Jesus performed none of his miracles without help of the Spirit.
・The Holy Spirit is waiting for us to entrust the leadership our lives to Him.
◆Awake Christ in you!
・Does “living in Christ” mean losing our uniqueness?
When we live in Christ, each of us takes ‘different part of his ministry’ rather than ‘everyone doing the
same thing’, in order to fulfill only one purpose which is “to glorify God”.
・Let the Spirit awake in you! [ⅡTimothy1:6]
The Spirit in us may be buried in earthly things and asleep. Awake Him and let Him shine through you!