説教あらすじ 「まことに、まことに、…」 (08/11/2015)
[ヨハネ5:24~25] ― 大切な『真理』を伝える時にイエスがしばしば用いたフレーズ。
→ 父なる神による承認。[マタイ17:5]
◆死からいのちへ [25節]
◆『いのち(人間本来の生き方)』とは? [ヨハネ1:1-5, 14]
光の性質(4~5節) ― ①自分のいる所を明らかにし、 ②安心と暖かさを与え、 ③行く先を示す。
恵みとまこと(14節) ― 『救い』は「自分の努力」によるのではなく、『真理』に目が開かれること。
Outline of the sermon “Very truly I tell you …” (08/11/2015)
[John 5:24~25] ― Jesus often used this phrase when He tried to teach “the truth”.
◆Jesus & His word.
・Jesus expected us to believe that “Jesus is the Son of God” and listen to His words as God’s Words.
→ God approved Jesus as His Son. [Matthew17:5]
◆From death to Life. [Verse 25]
・We are “dead” because we are lost before God and stray from the life we should be.
We have ‘free-will’ to choose either to hear or to ignore, and “those who hear will live”.
◆What is “Life(which comes from God)”? [John1:1-5, 14]
・Jesus is “the Word” and in Him was “Life”. Whoever follows Him will have ‘the light of life’.
Works of the light(Verses 4-5) ― ①Show us where we are. ②Give us peace & warmth. ③Show us where to go.
Grace & Truth(Verse 14) ― God opens our eyes to “the truth” to save us by His “grace”.
*God takes initiative in our life. Our life is not depend on ‘how much we have’ but ‘how great our God is’.
This is True freedom!
・Jesus showed us real example of “God lead life”. [John 5:19]
So now we are expected to live just as He did. [John 20:21]