
説教あらすじ          信仰の3段階       (25/10/2015)

[ヨハネ8:30~32] ― この箇所から『信仰』には3段階あることが分かる



 ②イエスのことばにとどまる[31節] ― 弟子の歩み



◆『真理』に根ざした歩み = 『アーメン』な歩み → [34節] ・何故イエスはここで『』を持ち出したのか?



◆ローマ総督ピラトの決断 [ヨハネ18:37-38]


され、自分の身に滅びを招いた。 私たちは『真理』に対する態度をはっきりさせなければならない

 ③「真理に歩む習慣」から来る『真の解放』を味わう [32節]







Outline of the sermon           3 Steps of Faith.”      (25/10/2015)

[John 8:30~32] ― This verses show that there are 3 steps of faith.

 ① Faith in Jesus as a Savior. [Verse 30]

・This is just a “beginning” of our faith walk but not a “goal”.

 ② To hold to teaching of Jesus.[Verse 31] ― Becoming Disciples.

・Be trained to say, “No” to your own understanding or pattern of this world, and to say, “Yes” to God’s Words.

◆ Be rooted in “Truth”. [34節] ― Why did Jesus mention “Sin” here?

・“Sin” is not just ‘something evil’ but ‘missing the point’ which means “not walking alongside of Gods truth”.

Even though you follow the pattern of this world, you still sin unless you stick to ‘the law of God’s kingdom’.

[John 17:15-17]

◆ Wrong decision of Pilate. [John18:37-38]

・“Jesus – the truth of God” was right in front of Pilate.  Yet he made wrong decision since he was afraid of

getting away from this world.  Caution!  Our choice towards “the truth of God” has its consequence

 ③ To experience “real freedom” in the truth. [Verse 32]

The pattern of this world can never beat “the truth of God just as ‘the darkness can never win against the light’.


Do not be content just with ‘faith for salvation’ but step forward to “greater faith”

to be influential Christians by living in the truth of God


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