説教あらすじ 「まず信じ、そして愛する」 (12/01/2014)
◆「行いによるのではなく、信仰による」[エペソ2:8-9]のつまずき (今日は、ガラテヤ2章までの総括)
難点: 人に栄光を帰してしまう。 誰も神の基準に至らない。
・神は目に見えない。 ・具体的にどうしたら良いか分からない。 それ故、神は人となられた!
◆信仰生活最大の障害 = 「分かっているのに、できない!」(これが『罪』)
*何故? ― ①恐れ(未経験・疑い) ②他にやりたいことがある(『肉』の性質)
(別の言葉で言うなら、「神の私たちに対する『献身』」) 私たちは、これを『恵み』と呼ぶ。
✯あなたはこの方を「信じ」ますか? そして彼を「愛し」ますか?
Outline of the sermon “Have faith in Jesus, then love him.” (12/01/2014)
◆Stumbling on 「Not by works, but by faith」[Ephesians 2:8-9]. (Overview of Galatians 1&2)
① Because 「by works」 is easier to understand.
Problems: Make people boast. No one can reach God’s standard.
・God is seeking 「those who seek him and depend on him」 but not 「fine people」.
・So many people take notice of “Rule itself” and resist it. However, a primary purpose of 『Rules』 is
to create 「Freedom & Harmony」 when they are properly observed.
② Because 「living by faith」 is ambiguous.
・God is invisible. ・It is hard to think of what to do. That’s why God became a human!
・Jesus showed us “who God is” and became an example of “how to live” for us. (Do it just as I did !)
◆The last obstacle of our faith walk. = 「I know what to do, but cannot carry it out!」(This is what 『Sin』 is all about.)
*WHY? ― ①Fear(Unexperienced, Doubt) ②Desiring something else.(Ego)
・We can only overcome these by 「“The Passion for Christ.」[Luke 9:23](Following steps of Jesus.)
『Love』 is not 「Romance」 but 「Commitment」.(Paul’s determination:[Acts 21:10-13])
◆The real meaning of 『God’s grace』.
・The greatest thing about God is not “Providing all our needs”. He will never be disappointed by or forsake
those who seek Him even though they would be very slow or full of failures.
(In other words, 「This is『God’s commitment』 to us.」) We call it, “Grace”.
✯Do you “believe” in Jesus? Do you also “love” him?