説教あらすじ 「望みに基づく信仰と愛」 (07/09/2014)
[コロサイ 1:1~8]
・健康な教会の主要素 = 「キリスト・イエスに対する信仰」と「聖徒たちの間の愛」 [Ⅰヨハネ3:23]
・コロサイの教会はパウロに会ったことは1度もなかったが、彼らにも「生きた模範」はいた。 = エパフラス
Outline of the sermon “Faith and Love spring from Hope.” (07/09/2014)
[Colossians 1:1~8]
◆[Verses 1~2]
・Paul never visited Colosse. This church was born only of “the power of the gospel”.
◆[Verses 3~4]
・Essence of healthy church = “Faith in Jesus Christ” and “Love for all the saints”. [ⅠJohn 3:23]
◆[Verse 5]
・‘Faith’ and ‘Love’ that spring from “Hope”.
In other words, it is “the hope that God pours all His blessings through our work in faith and love”.
◆[Verse 6]
・‘Power of the gospel’ becomes more effective when we “hear and understand God’s grace”.
・“Jesus Christ” is the gospel itself. God is willing to pour out all His blessings to us not for ‘our good works’
but for ‘Christ within us’. [Romans 8:32]
・God is not interested in ‘those who try to come to Him without Christ’. God is impressed with “our faith in
Christ”, not with our “hard work”.
◆[Verses 7~8]
・There was a living example for Colossians even though they never met Paul. = Epaphras.
・Everyone needs ‘a living example’. Let’s be a good example to others not on ‘our good deed’ but on
‘our faith that seeks the face of Jesus in our daily life’!