
説教あらすじ        イエス・キリストが中心     (28/09/2014)

[コロサイ 124~2:5] *先週の『御子』ほどではないが、『苦』『奥義』という2つの語が繰り返し出てくる。







『奥義』 = イエス・キリスト。この方が私たちの内に住まわれる故に、すべての人は「ユダヤ人・異邦人の区



◆イエス・キリストが中心 (主イエスを中心とした「3つの関係」)





③キリストを通して『隣人』を見る。[ローマ14:1-3, 15]




Outline of the sermon   Jesus Christ is the center (28/09/2014)

[Colossians 124~2:5] *There are 2 key words; “struggle” and “the mystery”.

◆What was Paul’s struggle?[verse 24]

・‘Lack in regard to Christ’s afflictions’ does not mean “Christ didn’t complete his task”, but he entrusted Paul

with the task of “proclaiming the gospel among the Gentiles”

・If Paul preached “the salvation by observing the law” or worked only among the Jews, he would never be


◆What is “the mystery”?[verse 27]

“the mystery” = Jesus Christ.  Because he lives in us, we can be saved without observing the law with no

difference between Jew and Gentile.  There is no other name given to men to be saved! [Acts 4:12]

・We(church) are called “body of Christ” because we all depend on “what Christ has done” but not what we’ve done.

◆Jesus Christ is the center. (“3 relationships” with us through Christ.)

Knowing “God” through Christ. [Colossians 2:9]

・If you want to know ‘who God is’, look at Christ! (Read book of gospels every day!)

Knowing “yourself” through Christ. [ⅡCorinthians 4:7]

・We are worthy because of what we carry(Christ).  Fix your eyes on him! [Hebrews13:5]

Knowing “others” through Christ. [Romans14:1-3, 15]

・Not because what they can contribute, but because “Christ died for them”. [Romans 8:33-34]

Lets encourage each other to pray and give help for whom Christ died for!


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