
説教あらすじ        『キリストにある者』の意味     (21/09/2014)

[コロサイ 113~23] 

◆御子イエスの重要性 ― 単に「罪の身代わりに死なれた救い主」だけではない!

・万物は「御子にあって」「御子によって」「御子のために」造られた。[15~17節] 万物の『存在意義』の中心




◆神の究極のわざ [イザヤ43:19他]









・キリストこそが『かしら(生きる目的)』である。[18節]  ・聖く、傷なく、非難されるところのない者。[22節]




Outline of the sermon   Those who are ‘in Christ’. (21/09/2014)

[Colossians 113~23] 

◆Significance of Jesus, the Son of God. ― He is not just “Our Redeemer”!

・All things were created ‘in him’, ‘by him’ and ‘for him’.   In him all things are hold together. [Verses 15-17]

・The first man was made at the end of creation, and God entrusted him to rule over all the creatures.[Genesis1:26-27]

・The first man chose to be away from God by his freewill.  As a result Satan took control of all the creatures.

Old Testament tells us “How God has been trying to take us back” and “How people kept refusing Him”.

◆God played His trump card. [Isaiah 43:19 and others.]

・Jesus, the Son of God, came to the world he created but now robbed by Satan, and died on the cross!

・The one who is before all things and the center of all things has died.  This means “All the things have

become meaningless and lifeless before God”. [ⅡCorinthians 5:14]

・But God has raised this Jesus to life!  This means “Whoever comes to Jesus for life will become ‘New

    creation’ in Christ and come back to life before God. [Romans 6:8,ⅡCorinthians 5:17]

◆Now what does this mean to us?

There is a definite distinction between “in Christ” and not “in Christ”. [ⅠJohn 5:12]

It makes clear what “in Christ” means to God.

・Only Christ is “the head (Lord)” of our life. [Verse 18]  ・We are holy and blameless before God.[Verse 22]

It gives inevitable mission to those “in Christ”. [Verses 19-20]

・We are called to be “Christ’s ambassadors for reconciliation” among those who are lost. [Luke19:10]


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