説教あらすじ 「主にある『理論』と『実践』」 (14/09/2014)
[コロサイ 1:9~12]
◆「真の知識」とは? ― 神のみこころに関する知識[9節]
・単なる『知識』は、しばしば人を高ぶらせ、神から離れさせる。[箴言1:7] では『真の知識』とは…
生き方」ができる。 ここまでは『理論』!
◆「あらゆる善行」とは? ― 神の心にかなった、あらゆる点で神に喜ばれる歩み[10節]
Outline of the sermon “‘Theory’ and ‘Practice’ in God.” (14/09/2014)
[Colossians 1:9~12]
*Things have their ‘theoretical aspect’ and ‘practical aspect’. So does our faith walk. It requires both “the knowledge(theory)”[verse 9] and “every good work(practice)”[verse 10]. Paul prayed for both for Colossians.
◆What is “the knowledge”? ― The knowledge of God’s will.[verse 9]
・Secular knowledge often makes us arrogant and away from God. [Proverbs1:7] Real knowledge is like…
①God of all creation is a good God who loves us.
②Because God desired intimate relationship with us, He let us have “freewill”.
③We left God for our “freewill”, but God sent Jesus to reconcile us with Himself. [Colossians 2:3]
④We can live as we are designed only through intimate relationship with God, our creator.
These are only “theories” so far!
◆What is “Every good work”? ― A life worthy of the Lord and may please Him.[verse 10]
・The word, “good works”, reminds us such as ‘helping people, showing kindness…’. Yes, they make us feel
fulfilled when they are well-accepted. However they may become meddlesome or in vain when they aren’t.
・Here is the definition of “Good work” in the Bible:[Matthew 6:3-4]
It only counts when that work is done “before God”. It doesn’t matter how much accepted by people.
・Purpose of “our good works” is not ‘fulfillment’ but ‘growth in personal relationship with God’.
*“The knowledge of God” and “Good works before God” are both important. We can neither
do good works without knowing God nor know God better unless we walk with Him daily.