説教あらすじ 「教会はキリストのからだである」 (27/07/2014)
◆「教会」とは『人』のこと (『教会』のギリシャ原語は「エクレシア(呼び集められた人々)」)
①「自分はこの場所にそぐわない…」という思い。 ②「あの人さえいなければ…」という思い。
Outline of the sermon “‘Church’, the body of Christ.” (27/07/2014)
◆‘Church’ is “People”. (Greek word for ‘church’ is “ecclesia” which means [summoned people].)
・Church consists of those who confess, “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God”. [Matthew16:15-18]
◆3 factors we (the church) function as “The body of Christ”.
1Connect with the head.[Colossians1:18]
・In other words, “Remain in Christ to keep receiving flow of his life”. [John15:5]
・Remaining Christ requires “Trust with perseverance”. Trust that every good gift comes only from Jesus.
He does only the best at the best timing. He will never betray your trust. We must believe it to the end.
・Your “Unshaken trust” draws out extra power & joy. (Applicable to marital relationship. [Ephesians5:23])
・In contrary, “Pride” hinders flow of life. You’ll be independent from your parents but never be from Christ!
・Do not mistake “God’s best for you” for ‘Fulfillment of your selfish desire’. [John 6:15]
2Respect one another.[Romans12:5]
・We are very different each other, so we can be divided easily unless we remain in same life.[Ⅰコリント12:14-21]
※ What can cause such a division?
①“I don’t think I fit this community…” ②“I wish if he/she is not in this community…”
・Don’t be embarrassed to share your pains or struggles. They’re “growing pains”! [ⅠCorinthians12:25-27]
3Serve people in need.[Matthew 9:35-36]
・We need one another and Christ’s love and power the most when we “serve among people in need”.
・Christ wants to use us individually and as a whole body(JCF) to glorify his name!