
説教あらすじ         イエスが来られた3つの理由     (08/06/2014)

*世界の歴史上最大の出来事 ― 神が地上に来られた! では、何故彼(イエス)は地上に来られたのか?



  (わたしが、道・真理・いのち、世の光、いのちのパン、わたしについて来なさい、わたしにとどまりなさい etc)[ヨハネ14:9]



   自分のいのちさえも犠牲にされた神」。 もし「神とはどういう方なのか」を知りたければ、イエスに注目すれば良い

「人のあるべき姿」を証するため [ヨハネ13:15]












Outline of the sermon       Why did Jesus come to the earth?”    (08/06/2014)

*The most significant event in history ― God came to the earth! Then why did He(Jesus) came?

1 To show us “Who God is”.

  ・God is not just ‘concept’.  He became “A person”.  He pointed “Himself” to show ‘who God is’.

(Ex: I am the way, the truth, the life.  I am the light of the world.  Follow me.  Remain in me. etc)[John14:9]

  ・Those who say, “If God is love, why do we suffer?” should look how Jesus treated sufferers.

  ・Jesus is God who “came to seek and save the lost”, and who “sacrificed his own life to respect our free will”.

Do you really want to know “who God is like”  Then look at Jesus

2 To show us “How we should be”. [John13:15]

  ・Jesus often said like, “Do just as how I have done to you”.  He is expecting that God will be revealed to people

    through us just as revealed through himself.

  ・Faults of the teachers of the law is; not ‘being too strict’ but “being not strict enough so that people may feel like

   it is possible to observe all the laws”.  Matthew chapter 5~7 describes amazing standard of Jesus. [Matthew5:20,48]

  ・We all have to seek “God’s standard” and know that it is impossible for us

3 To join us with God.

  ・Jesus’ biggest ordeal was ‘to go through crucifixion’.  He could avoid it because of his free will.  Yet he didn’t.

    [Mark14:36]  He dared to choose “Redemption” with his free will because of love & obedience toward the Father and

   because of love & salvation for us.  Here we find “our ultimate example” and ‘The fruit of our relationship with God’.

New life will be born through death when we are united to God by our free will with faith and obedience


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