Outline of the sermon “Just as Christ accepted you.” (22/06/2014)
① Christ(accepted you).
・Christ accepted us just as we were without any conditions, even we were still in dirt of sins. He accepted us
even before we repented.
・We are being transformed into his likeness not “to be accepted” but “because we were accepted”.
②(in order to)bring praise to God.
・God created all mankind for His glory. We are created to express “God’s love” “God’s wisdom” “God’s
righteousness” each other, and to enjoy and praise Him together. However, all of these things have been
lost because we became away from God.
・We experience undescribable joy and peace when we dwell in Christ’s complete acceptance. He never
demand us nor blame us anything. He never complains even we ignore Him or leave Him behind. When our
heart is touched by this true love, we cannot help loving what He loves and throwing away what He hates.
③ Accept one another(just as Christ accepted you).
・As we dwell in the relationship with Christ and experience His unconditional acceptance daily, we start to feel
sympathy with people in need around us. (Each of us may feel this towards different kind of people because
we are all created uniquely.) God is inviting you to accept them just as Christ accepted you.
・Do not too hurry! Wait until the Spirit drives you so that you cannot stop it.
✯Seek Christ first and dwell in the fellowship with Him daily, then be driven by what arises from there!