説教あらすじ 「神との関係」 (01/06/2014)
1 愛に基づく「契約関係」(旧・新『約』聖書)
2 「親子関係」や「夫婦関係」にたとえられている
◆恵みとまことに満ちた神 [詩篇86:15]
・悪魔が私たちを攻撃するための常套手段は、①相手の誠意を疑わせること ②不完全な自分を責める心
✯私たちの神は、「あきれず、あきらめない神」です! [ヘブル13:5]
Outline of the sermon “Our relationship with God.” (01/06/2014)
1 The Covenant based on God’s love.
・Ordinary contract is based on ‘agreement from both sides’. The Covenant of God, however, is “one-sided”.
His purpose is ‘to build relationship with us in love and trust so that we may have life to the full’. God
perseveres in His faithfulness regardless of our attitude toward Him.
*“Faith” is : to believe what God has promised us and try to answer His faithfulness.
* “Sin” is : not to respond His love with love.
2 It is comparable to “Parents & child” or “Married couple” relationship.
・Everything looks perfect at first, then we begin to realize that it is not and start getting disappointed and cold.
・Our relationship with God must be immature in the beginning. That’s fine, because it grows deeper and
stronger as we learn more of God day by day.
*A crucial point for “Parents & child” relationship is : ‘How far the child believes his parents’goodness’.
*A crucial point for “Marital relationship” is : ‘How far forgive and cover spouse’s weakness or faults’.
◆ God is abounding in love and faithfulness. [Psalm 86:15]
・What do we experience through the relationship with God? They are “Unshakable truth & faithfulness” and
“Complete forgiveness & compassion”.
・The devil always try to destroy this relationship by bringing ① Doubt. ② Guilt.
✯Our God will “Never resign and never be disgusted”! [Hebrews13:5]