説教あらすじ 「キリストの律法」 (04/05/2014)
[ガラテヤ 6:1~10]
◆すべての律法の要約 [ガラテヤ5:14,ヨハネ13:34-35] = イエスが律法を全うした![マタイ5:17]
①人を「さばくため」ではなく、「共に神の義(正しさ)を求めて歩むため」 [1~2節]
②私たちは1人1人神様から違ったことを期待されている [5~6節]
・それ故、誰も他の人を自分と比較してさばくことはできない。 では、神は「不公平」なのだろうか?
③「神の報い」は、誰にでも公平である [7~8節]
④(自分勝手にではなく)主の導きに従って愛する [10節]
Outline of the sermon “The Law of Christ.” (04/05/2014)
*So far Paul has been insisting that we can never receive salvation by observing the law.
Now he shares that there is “A New Law” which shows us the way to salvation.
[Galatians 6:1~10]
◆The entire law is summed up in a single command. [Galatians 5:14,John13:34-35] = Jesus came to fulfill the law![Matthew 5:17]
・In other words… “Let people who have received Love of Christ love one another”.
◆What is the difference between “the Law of Christ” and old law?
①Not “to judge” but “to seek righteousness of God” together. [Verses 1-2]
・None of us deserves to judge someone else. [Verses 3-4]
②God has unique expectation for each of us. [Verses 5-6]
・Therefore there is no point to compare and judge each other. Is God unfair then?
③God is fair to reward. [Verses 7-8]
・God counts “faithfulness”, not “achievement”. He is also pleased when we wait upon Him by 『faith』 [Verse 9]
④Love according to God’s priority. [Verse 10]
・We love neither at random nor for exchange. There is certain priority (such as; family…).
Please begin to exercise among JCF!
⊚This is not “to show how much love we have among us” but “to let God be revealed among us”. [ⅠJohn 4:12]