

説教あらすじ            3つの関係        (25/05/2014)


    ①との関係  ②自分自身との関係  ③隣人(周囲の人々)との関係

  ・神が人を造られてからまもなく、これらが ①   ②   ③の順に壊れた。

    ①罪(不従順)によって、 ②目が開かれ、自分の裸を恥じるようになり、 ③人のせいにするようになった。

  ・私たちはこの②③を修復しようとあがくが、①が完全に修復されて初めて、②   ③とついてくる。



  ・ところがそのうちに喜びが失われていった。[40節]     何故?(キーワード「いろいろなこと」)




◆イエスの応答 [41~42節]






Outline of the sermon           3 relationships involve us.”        (25/05/2014)

◆There are 3 relationships involve us.

    ① Relationship with God.   ②Relationship with ourselves.   ③ Relationship with others.

  ・All of these were broken soon after God created us in order of ①   ②   ③.

    ① We sinned against God, and  ② started to be ashamed, then  ③ began to blame each other.

  ・We try hard to fix ②&③ relationships, however it is only possible when ① is completely restored.


  ・At first Martha welcomed Jesus. [Verse 38]

  ・But she gradually lost her joy. [Verse 40]     Why?( Distracted by …

     She had “her own style to entertain her guests” which comes from 『Relationship with herself』.

     She got irritated with her sister (Relationship with others) who did not help in her expected way.

  ・At last she got irritated with Jesus who was supposed to be “The focus of her joy”!

◆Jesus responded. [Verses 41-42]

  ・In other words, “Martha, you are putting things in wrong order.”


We will learn more about these “3 relationships” from next week

so that we will be restored and start living in right priority.


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