説教あらすじ 「弟子への招き」 (18/05/2014)
「自分のための神」から、「神のための自分」へ [ヨシュア5:13-15,Ⅰ列王記22:5-8]
この「『神のための自分』を見出して生きること」を望んでおられる。[Ⅰコリント6:19-20] = 「献身」
選ばれなかったからといってガッカリする必要もない。(パウロの『弟子』としての姿勢 [Ⅰコリント9:16])
✯「もし主がお呼びになるなら、私は答えたい!」 という人は?
Outline of the sermon “A Calling.” (18/05/2014)
◆ From “my Savior” to “my Lord”. (Commitment)
・As ‘the relationship between a child and parents’ has to grow, so does “the relationship between God and us”.
From “God for Me” to “I am for God”. [Joshua 5:13-15,ⅠKings 22:5-8]
・God wants all Christians “to find themselves for God” just as He wants all people to find Jesus as their Savior. [ⅠCorinthians 6:19-20] = We call this “Commitment”.
・God never forces us to “Commitment”. This has to come from “our own free will and desire”.
◆ “Believers” vs “Disciples”.
・If we can choose how we treat God by our free will, why can’t God choose how He treats us by His own will?
Certainly He can! He chooses only limited numbers of people as His “Disciples”. [Mark 3:13]
・God calls these people for His ‘special purpose’ and ‘special ministry’ by His sovereignty. Therefore this is
nothing with our ability or character so that no one should boast or feel disappointed. [ⅠCorinthians 9:16]
・There are not much benefit in this world by answering the call. You will be involved in more troubles and
leaving a lot behind. [Luke14:27 etc] However, one thing for sure, you will “stay close to Jesus”.
・He calls you by His free will, and you may refuse it by your free will as well.
✯Are you going to answer if God calls you to be “His Disciple”?