
説教あらすじ         2つ目の決断     (27/04/2014)

[ガラテヤ 5:16~26] 




◆2つの決断 ― 人生には「2つの大きな決断」の機会がある





 ②「キリストにつく者」として生きる [24節]


      イエスのことば [ヨハネ16:33]   パウロのことば [Ⅱテモテ4:6-8]



◆御霊に導かれる歩み [25節]


  2つの警告 ①「御霊を消してはならない」[Ⅰテサロニケ5:19]  ②「聖霊を悲しませてはならない」[エペソ4:30]



Outline of the sermon     Two decisions to make.”    (27/04/2014)

[Galatians 5:16~26] 

◆ “The flesh” & “The Spirit”. [Verses 16-18]

  ・These are not ‘visible world & invisible world’ but “demon’s field” and “God’s field” within us.  This is why

    there is no “God’s Salvation” by the power of “the flesh”.

Two major decisions to make.

  To receive Jesus Christ as personal Savior.

  ・The Holy Spirit begins to live within us through this decision.  And our “inner battle” starts as well.

  ・Without this decision, we can simply enjoy earthly life with no self-contradiction but will end up condemnation.

  ・We are not yet prepared to recognize “The Spirit’s leading” until making next decision.

 ② To belong to Christ Jesus. [Verse 24]

   ・This is not just believing Jesus as a “Savior” but deciding to share “in his sufferings as his fellow soldier”.

      Jesus told us in advance. [John 16:33]    Paul’s testimony. [ⅡTimothy 4:6-8]

   ・We use “Faith(expressing itself through love)” to fight this battle.  We experience Jesus fighting for us and

     win the battle when we say ‘Yes, Lord’ to his Word and follow him.

◆ Keep in step with the Spirit. [Verse 25]

  ・It is not too hard to catch “Leading of the Spirit”.  Two basic leadings are to show ‘the way’ and ‘our sins’.

  Two warnings.①“Do not put out His fire.” [ⅠThessalonians 5:19]  ②“Do not grieve Him.” [Ephesians 4:30]

✯We always have to return to this “No2 decision”(our first love) to restore ‘Step with the Spirit’. [Revelation 2:3-5]


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