
説教あらすじ         復活のいのちに生きる     (20/04/2014)

[マタイ 27:62~28:15] 

①イエスは「よみがえり」を予告していた [63節,6節]

  ・弟子たちさえ理解していなかった。[マタイ16:21-23] 何故?    自分たちの求めているものと違ったから。






②祭司長たちは、復活の事実に直面しながら、拒絶した [12~13節]




③イエスは地上にとどまられなかった [使徒1:8-9]

  ・イエスは昇天に関して、こう言われた。[ヨハネ16:7]  ― 弟子たちには理解できなかったに違いない。



キリストのからだ = 『教会』(私たち)[Ⅰコリント12:27,ローマ6:13]



Outline of the sermon   Live in the life of resurrection. (20/04/2014)

[Matthew 27:62~28:15] 

① Jesus was announcing his ‘Resurrection’ beforehand. [Verses 63,6]

  ・Even his disciples didn’t understand what he said.[Matthew16:21-23]     Because it was not what they wanted!

  ・We tend to emphasize “Crucifixion of Jesus” rather than his “Resurrection”.  Now let us think, which shows

    more clearly that Jesus is “Messiah”?  ‘The death on the cross’ or ‘Rising from the dead’?!

God proved that He was able to conquer “the death”(our greatest enemy) through the resurrection of Jesus.

  ・『Crucifixion』 signifies that 「‘the rule of the devil by sin’ has finished」, and 『Resurrection』 signifies that

    「‘the rule of “Kingdom of God” by the Spirit’ has started」. [Mark1:14-15]

② The chief priests rejected Jesus even though they faced his resurrection. [Verses 12-13]

   ・Why ‘risen Jesus’ only revealed himself to his disciples but not to the chief priest or Pilate?

        “Miracles cannot change people’s heart”. [Luke16:30-31]

   ・Some don’t believe even they see, but some don’t see and yet believe. [John 20:26-29]

③ Jesus didn’t remain on the earth. [Acts1:8-9]

  ・Jesus told his disciples that he was leaving for their good. [ヨハネ16:7]  ― They might not understand at all.

    Jesus called the Holy Spirit, “Another Counselor(who is just like myself)”. [John14:16]

 *Jesus must be looking for ‘His bodies’ to live on the earth again just as he lived once.

Where are his bodies? = 『Churches』!(us!)[ⅠCorinthians12:27,Romans 6:13]

We are all “the Witnesses of Jesus’resurrection” just as the apostles


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