
説教あらすじ         『~にも関らず』の関係     (09/03/2014)

[ガラテヤ 4:8~11] 

◆奴隷と子供 [8節,ローマ8:15]

  ・『奴隷』と『子供』の違い ― 主人(父親)とのつながりに条件があるかどうか。(一時的 or 恒久的)

  ・「本来神でない神々」[8節] = 背後に悪霊の存在  ①礼拝されたい(私たちの注目を神から引き離したい)


◆キリストによる解放 [9節]



神が望んでおられる関係 = (「~だから」ではなく)「~にも関らず」の関係



  ・私たちの『信頼』の基盤 ― 神は正しく、愛に満ちた方(恵みとまことに満ちた神)



Outline of the sermon   The relationship of ‘Regardless’. (09/03/2014)

[Galatians 4:8~11] 

◆ A Slave and A Child. [Verse 8,Romans 8:15]

  ・Difference between 『Slave』 and 『Child』. ― Relationship “With conditions”? or “Without conditions”?

  ・「Those who by nature are not gods」[Verse 8] = There are evil spirits behind them.

             ①They want to be “Worshiped”.(To divert our attention from God.)

     ②They are happy to answer our immediate need to make us dependant on this world.

◆ Liberation by Christ. [Verse 9]

  ・Live as the one 「Being known by God」(Personal) rather than 「Knowing God」(Just one of them).

  ・Not “To struggle to get special position” but “To understand where you are put, and live a life worthy of that position”.

The relationship God is searching for.The relationship of “Regardless.

  *This relationship is based on “Absolute trust” and not demand any ‘reason or excuses’.

    ・Only reason we have : “Because the Bible(my father) says!”

  ・The foundation of our 『Trust』. ― God is righteous & loving Father.(Full of grace and truth.)

Trust God without asking reasons just as little children trust their parents.


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