説教あらすじ 「神による相続人」 (02/03/2014)
[ガラテヤ 3:29~4:7]
◆聖霊の働き [6節]
①「自分はまだ不十分だ」と思うから。 キリストが生涯の終わりに成し遂げられたことが分かってない!
②「信じていれば受けなくてもよい」と思うから。 キリストが公生涯の初めになさったことが分かってない!
Outline of the sermon “God has made you an heir.” (02/03/2014)
[Galatians 3:29~4:7]
◆ The great time.(「The time set by his father.」[Verse 2],「The time.」[Verse 4])
・『The great time』 for God is : When He sent Jesus to the earth.
・『The great time』 for People is : When they accept Jesus as their personal Savior.
◆ An heir.(the one who owns the whole estate)[Verse 1 & 7]
・God is seeking those who 「inherit His glorious riches」.
・God gave us His Spirit not only “To convince us that we are His children” but also “To let us know what He
has given us so that we may enjoy them”. [ⅠTimothy 6:17,ⅠCorinthians 2:12]
・Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit”, because we cannot recognize 「all the riches from God」 if our
hearts are full of thoughts of this world.
◆ Work of the Spirit. [Verse 6]
・The most significant work of the Spirit is not “Power of the manifestation of the Spirit” but “To prepare those
who believe in Jesus as Children of God”.
・God did not treat even Jesus as His Son in a special way until Jesus received the Holy Spirit.
And it happened when… Jesus was baptized![Matthew 3:15-17]
◆ 2 wrong reasons to refuse to get baptized.
①“I don’t deserve it!” These people don’t understand what Jesus has done at the end of his life.
②“Isn’t it ok if I just believe?” These people don’t understand how Jesus started his life of ministry.