
説教あらすじ         キリストが形造られるまで     (16/03/2014)

[ガラテヤ 4:12~20] 

◆ガラテヤ教会に見られる三角関係   パウロ              律法的ユダヤ人クリスチャン






キリストにある恵み(福音の恵み) [17節]



   りに私たち『義』とされた。[Ⅱコリント5:21] この「あり得ない神の恵み」が、『キリストにある(福音の)恵み』











Outline of the sermon   Until Christ is formed in you. (16/03/2014)

[Galatians 4:12~20] 

◆“The eternal triangle” around Galatians.   Paul              Those who insist the law


◆「Become like me!」[Verse 12]

  ・Some Jewish Christians insisted that people have to observe the law like they do to be saved, whereas Paul

    became like one not having the law to the Gentiles and preached “Gods grace in Jesus Christ” and lived in it.

◆ What is “Gods grace in Christ(the grace in the gospel)? [Verse 17]

  ・God can never compromise with sin.  But He loves people more than anything.  Therefore, God made Jesus

   who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.[ⅡCorinthians 5:21]

  ・We call this 「Unbelievable grace」 Gods grace in Christ(the grace in the gospel).

◆ Clothe yourselves with Jesus Christ.

   ・We may be saved not because of “Who we are”, but because we clothe ourselves with “The righteousness of

     Christ”.  We can never stand before God without Christ.  We are shutting Jesus out when we are relying

     on earthly things. (such as the law, own possessions or abilities) [Verse 19]

◆ Examine yourself!

  ・When God looks at you, He looks for Jesus in you.  God sees Jesus clearer when you are going through life

   which you cannot make without him.  It is only you who can tell how much you are desperate for Jesus!


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