説教あらすじ 「『立場』から『実質』へ」 (09/11/2014)
[コロサイ 3:12~17]
◆選ばれた・聖なる・愛されている者 [12節]
・この実質は「キリストを着た時」から内側に種のように宿る。[Ⅰヨハネ3:9] ただ実が結ばれるのには時間がかかる。
①キリストの忍耐 [13節]
②キリストの平和 [15節]
Outline of the sermon “Grow from ‘title’ to ‘character’.” (09/11/2014)
[Colossians 3:12~17]
◆Chosen, Holy and dearly loved. [Verse 12]
・These are not our “character” but “position(title)” we received by faith. But God treats us according to this
“position” no matter how we behave. And we will gradually be transformed into “the character”.
・This character has been sown in us since we ‘clothed with Christ’. [ⅠJohn3:9] But it takes time to bear fruit.
◆Growth in “character”.
①Patience of Christ. [Verse 13]
・This is not just ‘to be patient with hardship’. Have patience to wait for others to grow. [Philippians1:6]
・“Love”[Verse 14] is :‘The heart to put others above self’. It doesn’t only wait for their growth but offer
self as a stepladder and serve them for their growth. [Luke 23:34]
②Peace of Christ. [Verse 15]
・This “peace” means ‘having perfect peace with God’ through Christ crucified. We will never be forsaken
because Jesus was forsaken for us. [Matthew 27:46]
③Be thankful.
(1) By “the word of Christ”.[Verse 16]
・Encourage one another just as Jesus healed people and built them up with his words.
(2) In “the name of the Lord Jesus”.[Verse 17]
・Give thanks to God regardless of the situation “by faith” because we know our God is good.