説教あらすじ 「『聞こえないふり』は、やめましょう」 (02/11/2014)
[コロサイ 3:5~11] *[5~6節]はクリスチャンに向けられた言葉であることに注意。[7~8節]
◆新しい人を着る [9~10節]
・2通りの着替え方がある。 ①堂々作戦 ②着てから脱ぐ
何故? フォーカスが『自分』ではなく『神』にあったから。
私たちをご自身の姿へと造り変える。[Ⅰヨハネ1:9] この時私たちは彼への愛を試される。「聞こえない
Outline of the sermon “Do not pretend not to hear.” (02/11/2014)
[Colossians 3:5~11] *[Verses 5-6] is said to believers so these are not conditions to be saved. [Verses 7-8]
◆Put on the new self. [Verses 9-10]
・There are two ways to put on swimming suits.
①Take off all clothes and put on. ②Put on the suits then take off clothes.
・The first man was naked but felt no shame. [Genesis2:25] Why? They focused on “God”, not “self”.
◆God never forces us.
・Christian life is : “The relationship with God through Christ Jesus”. We experienced His love revealed on
the cross and clothed ourselves with Christ by faith. [Galatians3:27]
・Our spiritual growth does not show ‘how good we are’ but ‘how deep our relationship with God is’. This
relationship cannot be forced(Song of Songs2:7) but grow between us and Jesus with his leadership.
◆How does Jesus lead us to grow?
①By talking personally to our hearts.
・We can hear his voice if we take sufficient time and open our hearts to him. His word washes us and
transform us into his likeness. [ⅠJohn1:9] He wants to know how much we love him. Do not pretend
not to hear him. Instead, listen to him and obey what he says.
②By embracing us with “his body”.
・Christ uses his body(church) to help us grow. So get together as often as possible! [Hebrews10:24-25]
✯Seek Christ’s voice, give yourself to his body and grow in this supreme relationship!