説教あらすじ 「イエスをじぃ~んとさせよう!」 (16/11/2014)
[コロサイ 3:18~4:1]
・この世の法則は「Give & Take」。だから「どちらが先に与えるか」でモメる。天の御国の法則は「信仰によって」
①イエスをじぃ~んとさせる [23~24節]
②まず「家庭における人間関係」から [18~21節]
・家族を優先することを恥じてはならない。(でも『家庭礼拝』もしてね。) もしすべての家庭でこの箇所のような
Outline of the sermon “Let us touch Jesus to his heart.” (16/11/2014)
[Colossians 3:18~4:1]
◆I want to feel that “I am loved”!
・Jesus said , “Love one another as I’ve loved you”, but some says, “I cannot love because I don’t feel loved”.
Then how can we “feel” that we are being ‘loved’?
・We feel ‘loved’ as much as we understand “how short we are to deserve that love”. We understand “how short
we are to deserve God’s love”as much as we know “how huge is God’s love towards us”. [Ephesians 3:17-19]
◆Express your love “by faith”.
・Our life of ‘loving’ is not based on “Feeling” but “Faith”.
・The principle of this world is:“Give & Take” so we always get into trouble. The principle of God’s Kingdom is
to love “by faith”. When we love somebody who does not deserve it, God cannot stop pouring us His love.
◆How can we put ‘Love’ into practice “by faith”?
①By touching Jesus to his heart. [Verses 23-24]
・Not because ‘that person deserves it’ but because “God desires it”. If we make an action only for this
reason, it moves God’s heart. When we love just as Jesus has loved us, His kingdom reigns with its power.
②By starting at “Family relationship”. [Verses 18-21]
・Do not be ashamed of putting your family first.(also “family worship time”.) There will be a social revolution if
all the families begin to build relationship like this. This is “the miracle” God desires to see on the earth.
✯ Let’s seek “touching God’s heart” in your family and all the relationships!