説教あらすじ 「パウロの大発見」 (05/01/2014)
[ガラテヤ 2:15-21]
◆ユダヤ人の誇り [15節]
・異邦人 = 罪人(神を恐れることを知らず、律法[割礼]を持たない)
パウロの反論[ガラテヤ5:3] 律法全体を完全に守っている者は誰もいなかった。[16節]
そんなのは甘い!やはり律法が必要だ! 決してそうではない!!!
◆パウロの大発見 [19~21節]
・『罪』も『律法』も「私たちの『肉(願望)』に訴えかける」という点では、同じ。 「善悪の知識の木」に由来する。
・あなたが「誇りとしているもの」は何ですか? [エレミヤ9:23-24]
✯あなたはキリストと一緒に十字架につけられましたか? それとも単なる傍観者ですか?
Outline of the sermon “Paul’s great discovery.” (05/01/2014)
[Galatians 2:15-21]
◆Jew’s pride. [Verse 15]
・Gentiles = Sinners (Neither fear God nor have the Law [circumcision].)
・『Circumcision』 is only part of the Law but they took it seriously for it is 「Visible sign as God’s people」.
[Galatians 5:3] In fact everyone failed to observe the law perfectly. [Verse 16]
◆Being justified by faith.
・God does not justify us 「By observing the law」 but 『By faith in Christ』. This was too good to believe for
some people, that is why there were some arguments. [Verses 17-18] Does Christ promote sin?
・Does Christ promote sin? It is indulgent! We definitely need the law! Absolutely not!!!
◆Paul’s great discovery. [Verses 19-21]
⊚“Faith in Christ” does not matter “How I live” but “How to put 『I』 to death”.
・There is something in common between “sin” & “the law”. Both appeal 『our flesh(desire)』.
Ever since the first man ate from “The tree of the knowledge of good and evil” we are all fallen to live
「Without God but “Me”」 and struggling between superiority and inferiority.
◆What do you boast of? [Jeremiah 9:23-24]
・Christ was crucified not only for our sins but also to destroy “Boasts of our flesh”. [Galatians 6:14]
✯Have you been crucified with Christ? Or just bystander of the cross?