
説教あらすじ         アブラハムの信仰に倣う     (26/01/2014)

[ガラテヤ 31-7] 





    いうこと。  私たちも同様である。[Ⅰペテロ2:9]





   ・私たちはアブラハムに倣い、固く『信仰』に立たなければならない。 [ローマ4:18-25]





◆アブラハムが『信仰の父』と呼ばれるゆえん [創世記22章]

「神様どうして???」 さえも越えて、神に信頼する者となろう!


Outline of the sermon   Real children of Abraham.”  (26/01/2014)

[Galatians 31-7] 

◆ 3 points in common between Abraham and us.

  Chosen to be a blessing for “Others”. [Genesis12:1-3]

   ・The Jews are proud of themselves for they are “Children of Abraham and chosen people by God”.  It is

     right itself, however missing a point that they are “chosen to bless all peoples on earth (verse 3)”.

       So are we![ⅠPeter 2:9]

  Justified by “Faith”. [Verses 6-7,Genesis15:5-6]

   ・The Jews insist, “We cannot be saved unless we are circumcised, because this was give by God!”.  In fact

     they are the ones who are breaking the covenant, because they have forgotten their mission “to bless all

     peoples on earth”.  Their circumcision became in appearance only.

   ・We should follow real example of Abraham, which is “Living by faith”. [Romans 4:18-25]

  Tend to attain our goal by “human effort”. [Verse 3]

   ・Abraham made mistakes for his weakness just as we do. [Genesis chapter16]

   ・We tend to attain our goals “in our own way and schedule” rather than seeking and waiting “God’s way and

     schedule”.  God lets us wait to teach us that He is God but not us!

◆Abraham, “The father of faith”. [Genesis chapter 22]

Step over the question like “Why God???”, and keep trusting Him!


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