
説教あらすじ        『恵みの歩み』の実現    (22/09/2013)





  ・「主人としもべのたとえ話」[マタイ18:23-27(前半)] ➝ 『愛に痛んだ父』 ➝ [マタイ18:28-35(後半)]




  最も重要な命令 = 「御霊に満たされなさい。」[エペソ5:18]




     「主と同じかたち(18節)」 : 『神の子』としての実質。神との親密な関係。(子は次第に親に似てくる)

 ・この世での成長は、「自分でできるようになる」こと。 しかし実際は「自分に頼る者」は神の前に失われている

「死んでいたのが生き返り、いなくなっていたのが見つかった!」 [ルカ15:24]



Outline of the sermon    “Fulfilling ‘Grace Walk’.”   (22/09/2013)

◆ Live as Jesus did.

  ・Review from last Sunday(Intercession of Jesus)[Luke23:34]

  ・We are expected to follow “the example of Jesus”. [John13:15]

◆ Live in “the relationship with God(the Father)”.

  ・「The parable of the Unmerciful Servant.」[Matthew18:23-27(1st part)]

      “Understanding God’s heart” is the key to forgive. ➝ [Matthew18:28-35(2nd part)]

  ・Why did not this servant forgive his friend? ➝ Because he has gone out of the master’s presence.

    『Forgiveness』 is the act of faith. [Romans12:19]

“Walk in grace” means ‘To maintain fresh relationship with God daily’.

◆ Fulfilment by the Holy Spirit.

  Essential commandment = Be filled with the Spirit.[Ephesians 5:18]

  ・God did not just decided to “Save all by Grace” but also decided to “Pour out my Spirit to all”.

  ・The Spirit testifies that we are God’s children. [Romans 8:15-16]

  ・We are being transformed into 『Christ likenessby 「the Spirit」 but not by 「our own strength」.

[ⅡCorinthians 3:17-18]

    How is “Christ likeness(Verse 18)” like? ➝ Substance of 『God’s children』.(As a child looks like his parent.)

 ・This world requires us “Becoming independent”.  However, “Independence from God” means “Being lost.

「He was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!」 [Luke15:24]


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