
説教あらすじ           聞いて、従う       (25/08/2013)

[ヨハネ 21:20-25](いよいよヨハネの福音書最終回




  ・私たちは「まず受け取る」ように造られた。[箴言20:12] (「まず行動」ではない!)



   ・やはり「従うこと」? そうではなく『聞き方』の問題。イエスを愛しているなら、心で聞けばちゃんと従う。







 ・1人の人(①配偶者 ②家族 ③JCFの誰か)を選んで、この1週間、見返りを期待せず、徹底的にその人のために生きてみましょう。1つ1つのことに精一杯心をこめて。




Outline of the sermon    “Listen, and Obey.”   (25/08/2013)

[John 21:20-25](The last sermon from ‘Book of John’.)

⊚ Let us concentrate on Verse 22.

◆   It is not your business what Jesus wants others to do.

①  Pay your full attention to “What Jesus is saying you to do”, and just do it.

  ・We are primarily created to 「Observe」. [Proverbs 20:12] (Not 「to make action」!)

   ・We have to be ready every moment because God speak to us in His own time but not our timing.

  *Does Jesus want us to “listen to him” or “obey him”? [Matthew 21:28-31]

   ・The point is: 「How we listen」.  As long as we love Jesus, we obey him when we listen to him.

  ② Jesus wants us not to live “like somebody else”, but to live “just as we are”.

  *How different is it to 「live as I am」 and to 「live however I want」?

    ・Look at Jesus.  He showed the real example 「how to live as he is」.  He was not at all selfish!

How much we have done” is not so important, but How much heart we have put into it is.

A Suggestion.

 ・Choose just one person(either : ①Spouse ②Family ③Someone of JCF) and live for him/her this week without expecting anything in exchange.  Put lots of your heart into everything you do for him/her.


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