説教あらすじ 「イエスに呼び出された者」 (11/08/2013)
[ヨハネ 21:1-14]
◆ガリラヤに帰った弟子たち [1~2節]
・あらかじめイエスから言われていた [マタイ26:32,28:10] しかし、なぜガリラヤまで行く必要が?
・肉体的には安全で楽。しかし霊的には危険(昔の生活に戻る誘惑) 事実そうなった![3節]
◆イエスとの再会 [4~6節]
①一刻も早くイエスに会いたい。 ②「イエスに呼び出された者」としての自覚の回復。
・イエスによる決定的な招き[マタイ4:19] ― 「フォロー・ミー」
・あなたの「イエスと共に歩む人生」 は、どのように始まったのか?
・『教会(エクレシア)』 = 「呼び出された者たち」 [ルカ19:30-31]「(ロバでさえ)主がお入用なのです」
Outline of the sermon “Those who are called.” (11/08/2013)
[John 21:1-14]
◆The disciples returned to Galilee. [Verses 1-2]
・This was what they were told by Jesus. [Matthew 26:32,28:10] But why? There seems to be no point!
Yes, it is physically safer and easier life. But not spiritually. They returned their old lifestyle! [Verse 3]
◆Jesus revealed himself again. [Verses 4-6]
・These verses remind us the story of Luke chapter 5.(Jesus called them to be his disciples.) [Luke 5:10-11]
・What does Peter’s odd behavior tell us?(Verse 7・ Put on his clothes and jumped into the water!)
①He wanted to see Jesus as soon as possible. ②He remembered that he was 「The chosen one」.
◆This is why Jesus was waiting for them in Galilee.
Calling them back to 「The original heart」.(Unnecessary things had been developed within them.)
・How was the original call from Jesus like?[Matthew 4:19] ― 「Come and follow me.」
・Do you remember how 「Your life with Jesus」 first started?
・『Church(Ekklesia)』=「Those who are called」 [Luke19:30-31]「(The Lord called you because)You are needed.」
◆[Philippians 3:12-14]
・We press on toward the words, 「Well done, good and faithful servant!」 from our Lord.
・「What we achieve」 is not a issue but 「Where we are aiming」 is.