説教あらすじ 「『赦された者』として生きる」 (28/07/2013)
[ヨハネ 20:19-23]
◆復活のからだ [19~20節]
・イエスは鍵がかかった部屋に入ってきた。 「復活のからだ」とは?[Ⅰコリント15:35-36, 42-44, 47-49]
◆罪を赦す権威 [23節]
赦したり、そのままにしておく権威」をも委ねられている。 これは一体どういう意味?
える者)の権威の下で生きる」こと。 イエスのメッセージは、「『赦す者』となるために、まず赦されなさい!」
その『反対のもの』がふさわしい者にも及んでいる。」 [ローマ5:8]
Outline of the sermon “Live as ‘a forgiven one’.” (28/07/2013)
[John 20:19-23]
◆ What kind of body is it when we are raised? [19~20節]
・Jesus was able to come into locked house. What kind of body did he have?[ⅠCorinthians 15:35-36, 42-44, 47-49]
◆「As the Father has sent me・・・」[Verse 21]
・We are now here on the earth to continue the work Jesus had been doing.
◆ Authority to forgive sins. [Verse 23]
・Here Jesus entrusts us with 「forgiving sins」. To our surprise, we have been given 「The authority to forgive
sins」. What is it all about?
◆ The Lord’s prayer.(second half)[Matthew 6:12-15]
・If we forgive sins, we put ourselves under 「God’s authority」. But if we do not forgive, we are under
「Authority of Satan(which means “accuser”)」. Jesus is saying, 「Be forgiven so that you’ll be able to forgive!」
・If Jesus did not take 「the step of crucifixion」 to forgive our sins, we are still captive to sin. In the same way,
if we do not take 「the step of forgiving others who sin against us」, they will never be free from their sins.
「『Grace(forgiveness)』 is not given to only those who do not deserve it,
but even given to those who deserve 『something opposite(harsh punishment)』. [Romans 5:8]
☆Now it is all up to you whether 「those who sin against you will be forgiven or not」.
Do not forget that Jesus died on the cross to forgive you(who should not be forgiven)!