
説教あらすじ          イエスに名を呼ばれる者     (21/07/2013)

[ヨハネ 20:11-18] 



Extra(余分な) + Ordinary(ありふれた) = Extraordinary(並外れた)


◆マリヤがイエスだと気付いたきっかけ [16節]

  ・「名前を呼ばれる」ということ。 ― 個人的な関係。[イザヤ43:1,ヨハネ10:2-3]




  [ヨハネの黙示録20:12-15] ― 私たちの『行い』は、さばきの日に何らかの関わりはあるようだが、



  ・たった1つ、私たちが気をつけるべきこと [マタイ10:28-33]     「人々の前でイエスを認める」 すなわち・・・






Outline of the sermon    “The one Jesus calls by name.”   (21/07/2013)

[John 20:11-18] 

◆Why did only Mary Magdalene meet Jesus?

   ・Because she alone was not quick to leave, but stayed for a little extra time.

     ExtraOrdinaryExtraordinary   〈Spending a little extra time leads us to meet Jesus.〉

◆How did Mary realize Jesus? [Verse 16]

  ・Being called by name」. ― It shows “Personal relationship”. [Isaiah 43:1,John 10:2-3]

  ・In this case, 「Being known by Jesus」 matters more than 「Knowing Jesus」. [Matthew 7:21-23]

  ・The fact of Our names are written in heaven is more remarkable than 「Our good works」. [Luke10:20]

◆What can we do in order to have 「Our name written in heaven」

  [Revelation 20:12-15] ― Our 『Good works』 seems to contribute something on the day of judgment.

But 「To get our name written in the book of life」 only matters for 『Salvation』.

  • In other words, 「There is nothing we can do to have God remember our names」!

  ・The only thing we should be aware of … [Matthew10:28-33]     「To acknowledge Jesus before men」.

   Which means : The one who confesses before anybody that,

God so loved me that he gave his only Son, Jesus, died on the cross for me.

God never forgets his name.

◆[ⅠCorinthians 8:2-3]

Spend a little extra time with God in order to have Him call you by name


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