
説教あらすじ          真の権威に立つ     (09/06/2013)

[ヨハネ19: 1-11] 



  ・何故父なる神は、イエスをこの窮地から救い出さなかったのか?    更に大いなる救いの達成のため。








  ・ピラトの持つ権威と、イエスの言う権威は根本的に違う。[9~11節] またイエスはこうも言われた。[ヨハネ10:18]





[Ⅰヨハネ5:5] = ここからズレると、神を冒涜したり、人を恐れたり、神の最善が信じられなくなったりする。




Outline of the sermon      “Stand on the true authority.”    (09/06/2013)

[John 19: 1-11] 

◆   Jesus was wounded for us. [Verses 1-2]

  ・Jesus was wounded from flogging and thorns.  But we have been healed by his wounds. [ⅠPeter 2:22-24]

  ・Why didn’t God rescue Jesus from this terrible suffering?     Because He was seeking better salvation.

  ・Pilate expected the Jews be satisfied with looking at this “wounded Jesus”, but he was wrong. [Verses 4-6]

◆   Blasphemy. [Verse 7]

  ・The Jews judged Jesus as a blasphemer for he claimed to be the Son of God.  In fact Jesus Is the Son of God.

    Then who are guilty as “Blasphemers”? (Look at what the soldiers doing to Jesus! [Verses 2-3])

  ・Even a child speaks to his parents, “You are not my parents!”, he can be guilty as a blasphemer.  Then what about

    us saying, “You are not God!” to God who loved us and let His only Son died on the cross for our sins!

◆   The true authority』.

  ・What is “the true authority” all about? [Verses 9-11]  Here is Jesus describing the authority he had. [John 10:18]

  ・We would face some difficulties when we live according to 『the true authority』.  Yet it is better than living

    easy life under fake authority, because it leads us to 『the Best Plan』 which God has for each of us.

  ・There are some examples of “the true authority” in our relationship.  It should be exercised with love and the fear

    of God (not fear of people).  Ex : 「Parents & Children」[Ephesians 6:1],「Husbands & Wives」[ⅠCorinthians 11:3]

[ⅠJohn 5:5] = If you forget this, you may blaspheme, fear people, or not believe the best plan God has for you.

Let’s confess, “Jesus is the Son of God”, then resist evil and walk as a Victor


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