

説教あらすじ        「神と人とのために生きる」     (23/06/2013)

[ヨハネ19: 23-30]









   ◎イエスの生涯をひと言で描写するなら「神と人とをトコトン愛された」 ということ。(これぞ、私たちへの模範!)

     ・『最も大切な命令』[マルコ12:28-31]   ・イエスはこれを別の表現に言い換えられた。[ヨハネ15:12]







神が「キリストにあって」与えてくださるものを薄れさせるものは、皆 『邪魔物』。



Outline of the sermon    “Live for God & people.”     (23/06/2013)

[John 19: 23-30]

◆ Stark-naked Jesus. [verse 23]

   ・Jesus carried not only our 『sins』 but also our 『shame』.

◆ Jesus lived for 「God and people」.

  *There are 2 remarkable points in this paragraph.

①「The Scripture would be fulfilled.」[verses 24, 28]

  ・Jesus lived to fulfill God’s Word and His will. [John 4:34]

② Jesus cared his 『mother』. [verses 26-27]

       ・Jesus was thinking of people around him until the end.

   ◎Life of Jesus can be described like 「He loved God and people thoroughly.」 (Perfect example for us!)

     ・『The most important command.』[Mark 12:28-31]   ・Jesus used the other expression. [John 15:12]

     In other words, 「Think of God(Jesus) and love people with the same love.」 Yes, with 「unconditional love」.

◆ Jesus 『completed』 all. [verse 30]

・Jesus finished「everything for us to be saved」.  Nothing left for us to add.  Jesus has done all for us so that

Jesus will be 『all in all』 for us」. [Colossians 3:11]

◆[Philippians 3:4-9]

   ・We do not focus on 『how good we are doing』.  We look at Jesus, trust him and put all our hope in him.

Anything which blind us from all good things God gives us in Christ Jesus are “rubbish”.


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