説教あらすじ 「『真理に属する者』の使命」 (02/06/2013)
ピ ラ ト |
イ エ ス |
立場 |
ローマ総督。国家権力を負っている。 |
真理を証するために生まれた。[37節] |
判断基準 |
相手の出方を見ながら判断する。 |
状況に関わらず、真理を貫く。 |
・ピラトはイエスに何の罪も認めなかった。[38節] しかし『真理』を知らなかったため状況に流されて誤った判
・『真理』こそが、物事を正しく判断させ、かつ実行させる力を持つ。[ヨハネ8:32, Ⅱコリント13:8]
◆では、真理に従っていれば、すべて物事が順調に運ぶ? No!
人生』を生きることができる」 ということ。 そして私の使命は、この真理を「ことばと行い」とによって人々に示すこと。
☆あなたは「真理に属する者(37節)」ですか? もしそうなら、「真理に属する者」としての使命を持ち、それに生き
Outline of the sermon “Mission for those on the side of truth.” (02/06/2013)
[John 18:33-40]
◆Conversation between Pilate and Jesus.
・Pilate tried to find whether he really had to judge Jesus or not. He wanted to avoid unnecessary trouble.
・Their conversation clearly shows that “knowing the truth” makes huge difference for life. [verse 33-34]
Pilate |
Jesus |
Status |
An authorized governor. |
Born to testify to the truth. [verse 37] |
Sense of values |
Act according to circumstance. |
Act according to the truth. |
・Pilate found no basis for a charge against Jesus. [verse 38] Yet he made wrong decision for he did not know 『the truth』, and eventually got into trouble.
・Knowing the truth makes you free and bold to face new challenges. [John 8:32, ⅡCorinthians 13:8]
◆Everything goes well if you know the truth? No!
・We tend to think that it is “God’s blessing” to see our dream comes true right away. But it is wrong! 『God’s
true blessing』 gives us power to witness the truth in spite of difficulties. 〈ex. Mission of William Wilberforce.〉
◆What kind of “truth” are you based on?
・A truth for Shibuken is : 「Everyone can make his life the most, only when he lives in personal relationship with
God through Jesus Christ.」 And my mission is to testify this truth with my “Word and Action”.
☆Are you “on the side of truth (verse 37)”? If so, have a mission in the Lord and live in it!