説教あらすじ 「『~にも関わらず』の信仰」 (16/06/2013)
[ヨハネ19: 12-22]
1 [12~13節]
・イエスは言われた。[ルカ14:26] これは「たとえキリストに従う故に失うものがあったとしても、従うことをやめるな」
2 [15~16節]
にウソをついた。 私たちも『自分の願望実現』のために「神を見て見ぬふり」をしてはいないだろうか?
・「イエスに対してどう関わるか」は、あなたの人生の大問題。イエスは言われた。[マルコ9:41] もしイエスの弟子
3 [21~22節]
①自分の身の安全が保証される限り、キリストに従う。 または、
②たとえ信仰の故に自分が被害をこうむることになっても、キリストに従う。[マタイ10:28] [ダニエル書3:14-18]
Outline of the sermon “I follow Jesus even though …” (16/06/2013)
[John 19: 12-22]
⊚This paragraph mainly consists of 3 conversations between Pilate and the Jews.
1 [Verses 12-13]
・Pilate was afraid of losing his status by opposing Caesar. As a result he lost his eternal status before God.
・Jesus encouraged us not to give up following him even if we might lose our lives. [Luke 14:26] Because he cannot
help rewarding those who never give up following him in whatever circumstances. [Luke 18:29-30]
2 [Verses 15-16]
・The Jews denied their 「King of kings」 for their convenience. Aren’t we doing in the same way for ourselves?
◆Pilate’s irresponsible attitude. [Matthew 27:24]
・Don’t overlook the importance of Jesus. There is no greater issue than how you treat him. He said. [Mark 9:41]
if it is that important how to treat his disciples, how much more about Jesus himself?
・The only question God would ask us at 『The day of Judgment』: “How did you treat my Jesus?”
3 [Verses 21-22]
・We can see Pilate finally practicing his power for all dangers are gone.
◆Our choice.
① We choose to follow Christ as long as few risks. Or,
② We choose to follow Christ even if we have to take more risks. [Matthew 10:28] [Daniel 3:14-18]
☆ Are you ready to confess Jesus Christ as your only Lord in any circumstances?