説教あらすじ 「福音の真理に向かって」 (15/12/2013)
[ガラテヤ 2:11-14]
◆アンテオケで何があったのか? [11~13節]
*問題点は何か? = 『福音の真理』に向かって歩んでいない![14節] ― 私たちも再吟味が必要
⊚イエス・キリストを通してのみ与えられる「神との特別な関係」に生きること 〈5つの目当て復唱〉
(13節)」すなわち「信仰による歩みから外れて、古い習慣に従った」。 これをパウロは非難した!
⊚「キリストへの愛」を第1にする [Ⅰヨハネ4:18-19]
「喜ばせる相手(誰に文句を言われても、はねつけられるほどの対象)」を1人に定める = 主イエス・キリスト
・主イエスを愛し、その御顔を真直ぐに見つめながら生きる。[ガラテヤ5:6] その上で取捨選択すれば良い。
Outline of the sermon “Act in line with the truth of the gospel.” (15/12/2013)
[Galatians 2:11-14]
◆What happened in Antioch? [Verses 11-13]
・Peter draw back from the Gentiles because he was afraid of “those who belong to the circumcision group”.
*What is the Point? = He did not act in line with 『The truth of the gospel』. [Verse 14] ― Let’s examine ourselves!
◆What is 『The truth of the gospel』?
⊚To live in 「The special relationship with God」 which is given only through Christ. 〈JCF 5 Guidelines〉
・『Faith』 is to live in 「The relationship with God」.(And 『Sin』 is unfaithfulness to the relationship. [Romans14:23])
・Peter is the one who learned “God’s favour towards the Gentiles” from God through experience. (Acts chap 10-11)
Since then Peter turned away from his “old habit” and kept fellowship with the Gentiles because of 「Faithfulness to
God」. But while he was in Antioch Peter turned aside from there and separated himself from the Gentiles
for he was afraid of “those who belong to the circumcision group”. This is why Paul opposed him!
◆How can we overcome “The fear of man”?
⊚By putting 「Love for Jesus」 first. [ⅠJohn 4:18-19]
・When you put 『First thing first』, life becomes much simpler.
Decide “Who you please the most” and concentrate on him. = Is there anyone else beside Jesus?
・Love Jesus and fix your eyes on his face. [Galatians 5:6] And all other choices will follow well.
✯Do you make up your mind “to please Jesus the most”?