説教あらすじ 「まことの割礼」 (24/11/2013)
[ガラテヤ 2:1-5]
◆エルサレム再訪[1節] [使徒15:1-2]
①異邦人の間で宣べている福音 [2節] ②力を尽くして走っていること [2節]
③キリスト・イエスにある自由 [4節] ④福音の真理 [5節]
[ガラテヤ6:15] ― この新しい『誕生(創造)』は、キリスト抜きではあり得ない!
✯あなたは新しくされましたか? 新しい価値観で生きてますか?
《JCF 5つの目当て》 復唱
Outline of the sermon “True circumcision.” (24/11/2013)
[Galatians 2:1-5]
◆Characters in this paragraph.
〈Barnabas〉(Verse 1):He accepted Paul while other disciples were all afraid of him.
〈Titus〉(Verse 1):Greek Christian who was lead to Christ by Paul. He became a leader without circumcision.
〈Those who seemed to be leaders〉(Verse 2):Apostles and other leaders including James in Jerusalem.
〈Some false brothers〉(Verse 4):Those who claim some requirements for “Salvation by faith”.
◆Paul visited Jerusalem again.[Verse 1] Why?[Acts15:1-2]
◆What is 『Circumcision』?
・The surgical removal of the foreskin from the human penis. They did it as “People who have covenant with God”.
・Our 『Circumcision』 is 「To cut away our confidence in the flesh」 and glory in Jesus Christ. [Philippians 3:3]
◆Paul’s emphasis.(He is using 4 expressions for only 1 emphasis.)
①The gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. [Verse 2] ②The race he is running. [Verse 2]
③The freedom we have in Christ Jesus. [Verse 4] ④The truth of the gospel. [Verse 5]
⊚He is talking about 「The special treat God is offering to us only through Christ Jesus」. [John1:12-13]
・There is “New birth (creation)” when 2 Spirits become 1 just as there is “New birth” when 2 flesh become 1.
[Galatians 6:15] ― This 『New birth(creation)』 is impossible without Christ!
✯Have you been born again and living in a new value? Or still put confidence in the flesh?
Let’s repeat 《JCF 5 guidelines》