
説教あらすじ         新しい価値観に生きる    (17/11/2013)

[ガラテヤ 1:18-24] 

  *『ペテロ』(ギリシャ語:『岩』) = 『ケパ』(アラム語) イエスもペテロをそう呼んだ。[ヨハネ1:42]


  ①自分が『エルサレム教会』の影響をあまり受けていないこと [18~19節]




      (例)「出るくいは打たれる」 「人に迷惑をかけないように」 「妻は家でおとなしく」 「救いは行いによる」 「進化論」


  《JCF 5つの目当て






 ②自分の行いが讃えられるのではなく、自分に変化をもたらしておられる神こそあがめられるべき [23~24節]




Outline of the sermon    Live in a new sense of values.”   (17/11/2013)


  *Peter』(『Rock』 in Greek) = Cephas』(Aramaic)  Jesus also called Peter, “Cephas”. [John1:42]

◆Paul is sharing 2 things here.

   Paul has not been influenced much of apostles in Jerusalem. [Verses 18-19]

    ・Teachings from Jerusalem carry a lot of “Jewish traditions” in it.

    ・Paul always emphasized the importance of being renewed by 「Values in Christ」. [ⅡCorinthians 5:17]

    ・We have been influenced 「Japanese traditions」 very much.(And some of them are not Biblical at all!)

      ex) 「Mind on your own business.」 「Do not disturb others.」 「Work hard to be saved.」 「The theory of evolution.」

    ・We have to be rooted in a new sense of values based on God’s Word. [Colossians 2:6-8]

  《JCF 5Guidelines

   1.We are children of God.  God the Creator loves us unconditionally.

   2.We are God’s masterpiece, and each of us contains the Image of God.

   3.We are imperfect, but God’s power is made perfect in our weakness.

   4.Our Good Works are the Results of our salvation, but not the Requirement for our salvation.

   5.We cannot live alone, but we need the help of God and of each other.

  God must be praised for how He is changing us, rather than they praise how well we are doing. [Verses 23-24]

   ・God is working more “within us” rather than through “what we are doing”.

⊚ Seek Christ and be built on new foundation he laid in us!


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