説教あらすじ 「パウロが伝えたかったこと」 (20/10/2013)
[ガラテヤ 1:1-5]
・私たちも日本人特有の常識(人目を気にする,救いは行いによる,宗教は教育・修業のため etc)に
◆「イエスのよみがえり」の持つ意味 [1節]
◆「神のみこころ」による贖いのわざ [4節]
①人は罪あるままでは、決して神に近づくことはできない ②私たちの罪は「神に対してのもの」
・キリストが死なれたのは「私たち」よりもむしろ「神ご自身」のため。 『なだめの供え物』[Ⅰヨハネ2:2]
・神の関心は、私たちが「どう生きるか」 ではなく 「どこを見ているか」。(キリストへの『依存度』)
Outline of the sermon “This is what Paul wants us to know!” (20/10/2013)
[Galatians 1:1-5]
◆Why did Paul write this letter?
・Paul saw Galatians being confused by teachers of the law and turning to a different gospel, so he was
trying to correct them.
・We, Japanese, also tend to turn into our own way of living(which is : making effort to win the salvation
etc) and neglect the essence of true Gospel(Relationship with God through Jesus Christ).
◆What is the importance of 「Resurrection of Jesus」. [Verse 1]
・Power of the devil is “Sin and Death”. Only God can defeat it. “Resurrection of Jesus” proved
that He is truly the Son of God.
◆We are atoned according to 「the will of God」. [Verse 4]
・『Evil age』 is under “Sin and Death”. There is a big gap between God and us.
①We can never come close to God with our sin. ②We all sinned against “God”.
・Christ died for “God” rather than for “us”. He was the “Atonement”(to pacify the Father). [ⅠJohn2:2]
◆What is God’s concern?
・He is not interested in our 「Good Work」. Excellent jobs never make us good enough before God.
・His concern is not 「How we live」 but 「Where we see」. (『Dependency』 on Christ) [Matthew23:12]