説教あらすじ 「神の国の福音」 (01/09/2019)
◆『神の国』がやってきた! 『神の国』 = 「神の主権が働いている場所」 ― この時点では、イエスご自身
◆神の国の福音 『福音』 = 「良い知らせ」
ユダヤ民族の失敗に学べ! ― 「教え」や「しるし」が中心ではなく、『神ご自身との関係』が最重要。
✰今日の大切なひと言: 「イエスと一緒にいることが、天国」
Outline of the sermon “Good news of His kingdom.” (01/09/2019)
◆“The kingdom of God has come near!” [Mark1:14~15]
・“The kingdom of God” = It is where under God’s reign. ― At this stage, it was Jesus himself. Those who
were with Jesus, they were able to experience “the kingdom of God” (miracles, peace, love, and so on).
◆Good news of His kingdom. How good is it?
*Anyone who puts himself under God’s authority can claim for whatever belongs to heaven in Jesus name.
Learn from failure of Jews! ― “Relationship with God” is far more important than just “observing the law”.
・“Life” is not in those who “observe the law” but in Jesus to “fulfill the law”. [John 5:39-40]
・“Good News” is better than just “taking us to heaven after death”. It is all about “God being with us now,
always and forever”. It is amazingly good, isn’t it?!
✰The word for this week: Being with Jesus is just like Heaven!