説教あらすじ 「神との交わり」 (02/10/2016)
*『神の国の価値観』① ― 「人生の動力源は『人生の目標』を持つことではなく、『神との愛の関係』にある。
・「神は愛である」[Ⅰヨハネ4:16]とは? 『愛』は、「関係」なしには存在し得ないはず。
招き入れられる」ことが求められている。 このために「イエスの十字架による贖い」がある![ヨハネ1:3]
宿 題 [ヨハネ15:9]
*ガイドライン ①神に心を開く ②神に語りかける ③神に聞く
Outline of the sermon “Fellowship with God.” (02/10/2016)
*“Value of the kingdom”① ― Our lives should be driven by “loving relationship with God” rather than “purpose of life”.
◆Fellowship with God.
・“God is love”[ⅠJohn 4:16]? There can be no “love” unless there is “relationship”.
・From the beginning God is in His “perfect harmony of love”. [Genesis1:26]
“Mankind” is created to share this “perfect loving harmony and unity” which had been existing among
“the Father – the Son – the Holy Spirit”.
◆The real important thing.
・We have been completely brainwashed by “the value of this world”.
◎Primal idea is: to be confident that “I am loved and accepted as I am”.
We are precious not because “what we can do” but just because “who we are”.
・We are not only “loved by God” but also “invited to the perfect intimacy of the Trinity”.
That’s why Jesus died on the cross “to redeem us”![John1:3]
・“The Holy Spirit in us” motivates us to join this fellowship. [ⅠJohn 4:13]
・We share the gospel not because it is our “mission” but because “we want to invite people to this fellowship”.
・We repent from our sins not because “we feel sorry to God” but because “we do not want to leave from this fellowship”.
Assignment. [John15:9]
✰Put aside everything else and devote yourself to the love of God.
*Some guidelines ①Open your heart to God. ②Talk to God. ③Listen to God.