説教あらすじ 「『神と共に歩む』ための3要素」 (04/09/2016)
◆「神と共に歩む」ための3要素 = ①みことば ②聖霊 ③信仰 ― この3つがどう一緒に働くのか?
①『みことば』とは? = 『真理』(不動の絶対基準)[ヨハネ17:17]
②『聖霊』とは? = 「良い父」である神の霊であり、イエスと同じ方。[ヨハネ14:16-17]
③『信仰』とは? ― 「みことば」と「御霊」とを結び付ける役割を担う
・「私たちの『自由意志』を神にささげる」 とは、つい「この世のならわし」につられてしまいがちな自分自身を、
Outline of the sermon “3 indispensable factors to ‘Walk with God’.” (04/09/2016)
◆3 indispensable factors to “Walk with God”. = ①God’s Word. ②God’s Spirit. ③Our faith.
①God’s Word. = “Truth”. [John17:17]
・The universe was formed by “God’s Word”(Hebrews11:3), so we ought to live accordingly. [ⅡCorinthians13:8]
②God’s Spirit. = He is the Spirit of “our Good Father” and the same character with “Jesus”. [John14:16-17]
・Because He is “the Spirit of Truth”, He gets energized by “the Word of Truth”.
・We read the Bible not to feed our “knowledge” but to feed our “spiritual life”. [ⅠPeter 2:1-3]
③Our faith ― The perfect binder between “the Word of Truth” and “the Spirit of Truth”.
・Scriptures are no value as long as they are treated “just as a knowledge”. [Hebrews 4:2]
◆An interrupter.
・The devil does not like to see us growing. He is always against the truth. [John 8:44-45]
・He always lies to us to make us conformed in the pattern of this world. We can resist him by taking “God’s
truth” and observing it. This is the attitude of “faith” and “loving God”!
◎Receive “God’s Words” by faith and it feeds the Spirit.
◎The Spirit reminds you His Word on right timing and try to fulfil His work through you.
✰Obey Him by “faith” and see His glory!